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Pacific Standard Time is the time zone of the Canadian and US West Coast, with places like Seattle, Vancouver, San Francisco and Los Angeles.. Other common time zone conversionsMore PDT conversionsAbout PDT - Pacific Daylight TimePacific Daylight Time is the time of the Western United States and Canada and is typically abbreviated as PDT.. Time zones can be confusing, but we want to help you end that confusion!. Daylight Time is in the Pacific area observed from November to March and is one hour ahead of Pacific Standard Time.. It is 8 hours behind GMT Although PDT is for the Western part of the US and Canada it is not the Westernmost – both Hawaii and Alaska are on their own time zones due to their location. HERE
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It also extends halfway down Baja California in Mexico In addition to California and Washington also Nevada and Idaho are on PDT in the summer.. One of the most popular choices is to convert EST to IST, which we of course are happy to help with.. Common locationsPacific Daylight Time is for the Western US and Canada and thus include locations such as Vancouver, Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles.. When is the best time to schedule a meeting with PDT and PST?Usually it is preferable to schedule meetings any time from the morning for the person in PDT and any time from the morning for the person in PST.. It is 8 hours behind GMT This means that when the clock is noon in London (GMT), it is 4AM in Seattle (PST). 3
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DST and summer time:This can be a bit tricky as most states on the US Pacific Coast do apply daylight saving time, calling PST for PDT, or Pacific Daylight Time, instead and sets the clocks in November and March respectively. HERE